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    Ética y negocios en la clase de ENE: El Binomio fantástico
    (XIV Encuentro Internacional del GERES, 2016) Garcia, Carmen Sanjulian
    Cuando estalló la crisis económica en el año 2008, algunas voces críticas se preguntaron si la formación dada en las escuelas de negocios enseñaba valores que fomentaran formas de actuar que fueran responsables con la sociedad. Como respuesta a estos comentarios muchas escuelas empezaron a renovar sus programas y a otorgar un lugar destacado a los contenidos éticos en su syllabus. Pero, ¿lo hicieron porque de verdad creían en el valor añadido de la ética o fue simplemente un lavado de cara? En este trabajo nos preguntamos cuál es el verdadero propósito de la educación y la responsabilidad que tenemos los profesores de ENE en la transmisión de valores éticos en nuestras clases. Hablamos de como su introducción en la clase de español de los negocios optimiza el aprendizaje de la lengua meta y fomenta la creación de una ciudadanía responsable.
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    Web usability in the Irish airline industry
    (Dublin Business School, 2002) Lydon, Bernie; Fennell, Tom
    Low-cost carrier Ryanair are expanding rapidly and have been tipped to become Europe’s biggest airline, following the order of 100 new aircraft in a deal with Boeing worth around 5 billion Euro (Canniffe, 2002). Ryanair boast that 92 per cent of bookings are now being conducted online ( 2001) and that their profits are up by 35 per cent in the last three months of 2001 ( 2002). In comparison Aer Lingus, a more traditional full service airline has 20 per cent of the company's customers booking via the web (Carey, 2002). They are currently carrying out a survival plan, and have been described as ‘haemorrhaging cash’ (, 2002) and are facing losses of up to £170 million in 2002 (McManus, 2001). At the Dublin Institute of Technology, we are conducting research into the online services of the two major Irish players Ryanair and Aer Lingus, drawing on the various methodologies and web usability guidelines in the literature. From this we may establish whether the usability of both sites reflect their business success or failure.
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    Web usability : its impact on human factors and consumer search behaviour
    (Dublin Business School, 2003) Lydon, Bernie; Fennell, Tom
    Usability testing methods and phenomenology based qualitative techniques were applied in naturalistic settings in consumers’ homes to establish factors which are perceived as hindering and facilitating consumers in finding product/service information, and making e-commerce purchases. A facility to see an overview of site structure in order to make quick evaluations about content and navigation schemes emerged as prominent user concerns with regard to human interface design factors. The placement of a search engine on the homepage of a website, so that users can easily establish the starting point for specific search tasks, was found to be critical. The absence of such search functionality on homepages led to users navigating many irrelevant pages and in some instances failing to find sought product/service information. In such cases, consumers sometimes opted to abandon the site altogether and access alternative sites to complete the tasks (which can impinge directly and negatively on e-commerce sales). Search engines that returned inaccurate results within a site also led to dissatisfied customer experiences. Layout of price information was found to be essential to aid readability and interpretability. The results suggest that more positive user attitudes are associated with the vertical layout of such content as opposed to a horizontal style layout.
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    What can I do you for?
    (TASC, 2011) O'Dea, Martin
    An analysis of the privileged position of closed, self-regulating professions in Ireland and their inhibition of economic progress and equity. Author keywords: Closed professions, costs, inefficiencies
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    Rebalancing the power
    (TASC, 2012) O'Dea, Martin
    An analysis of the political options open at European level to leverage power with their financial markets. Author keywords: Markets, politics, Europe, power