Studies in Arts and Humanities Journal - Vol 1, No 2 (2015)

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    Crime Scene
    (SAHKartell, 2016) Duffy, Noel
    A new poem by Noel Duffy.
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    Silent Bones
    (SAHKartell, 2015) Chapman, Patrick
    A new poem by Patrick Chapman.
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    The Tip: Shoe Shops, American Dreams, and the Ultimate Irish-American Hard Luck Story
    (SAHKartell, 2015) Brennan, Bill; Kelly, Mary C.
    The Brockton-Irish story may, in many respects, be representative of Irish-American neighborhoods located in large urban centers of immigrant Irish settlement, but we need to know more about life in the smaller ethnic Irish neighborhoods to be sure of this assertion. We also need to record personal recollections of life in The Tip and other such locales from the children of the immigrant generations while we still can. This is an attempt to record the remembrances of one of The Tip’s own and frame them within an evolving Irish-American historical narrative. The story of the Tip, as we will see, presents a case-study of the Irish-American experience that fills in some of the enduring gaps in the historical narrative while revealing one of the enduring ironies within its familiar historical course. Author keywords: Brocton; Irish; shoe-industry; Irish immigrant; twentieth century
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    Irish Intercultural Cinema: Memory, Identity and Subjectivity
    (SAHKartell, 2015) Murray, Enda Vincent
    Irish intercultural cinema looks at the development of a cinematic genre which focuses on issues of Irish migrancy but is produced outside of Ireland. This paper has as its focus the cultural landscape of Irish-Australia. The essay uses methodologies of ethnographic and documentary theory plus textual analysis of film and written texts to establish a throughline of Irish intercultural film. The essay begins by contextualising the place of the Irish diaspora within the creation of Irish identity globally. The discussion around migrancy is widened to consider the place of memory and intergenerational tensions within not just the Irish migrant population, but also within the diverse cultures which comprise the contemporary Australian landscape. The historical development of intercultural cinema is then explored internationally within a context of colonial, gender and class struggles in the 1970s and1980s. The term intercultural cinema has its origins in the Third Cinema of Argentinians Solanas and Getino in the 1970s and covers those films which deal with issues involving two countries or cultures. The term was refined by Laura Marks in 2000 and further developed by Hamid Naficy in 2001 in his discussion of accented cinema which narrows its definition to include the politics of production. The paper then traces the development of Irish intercultural cinema from its beginnings in England in the 1970s with Thaddeus O'Sullivan through to Nicola Bruce and others including Enda Murray in the present day. The essay concludes by bringing these various strands together to see where intercultural film might have a place in today's globalised cultural landscape. Common traits within intercultural film such as the notion of place, autobiographical film and personal identity are explored using examples of intercultural filmmaking from around the globe. These commonalities point to a way forward for the future of a sustainable multicultural film culture. Keywords: Autobiographical films; Documentary; Memory; Subjectivity; Identity; Multiculturalism
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    A Review of Behavioural Gerontology and Dementia Related Interventions
    (SAHKartell, 2015) Josling, Megan
    Behavioural Gerontology is concerned with the interaction of the aging individual and their environment. One aspect of behavioural gerontology has focussed on the use of behaviourist methods to improve the functioning and quality of life of individuals with dementia. Positive reinforcement techniques have shown to have an effect on dementia related behavioural excesses (wandering, disruptive vocalisations), behavioural deficits (incontinence, self feeding) and mood changes (depression). One of the major concerns of using reinforcement techniques in the case of dementia is maintenance of the behavioural changes with the continual implementation of the intervention. Research has indicated that individuals with dementia meet behavioural extinction criteria at an advanced rate in comparison with individuals without dementia. Thus for a behavioural change to be successfully maintained it requires diligence on the part of the caregiver and/or nursing home staff. In the case of dementia care centres and nursing homes, when using behavioural interventions to modify the behavioural symptoms of dementia, there needs to be a considerable overlap between Behavioural Gerontology and Organisational Behavioural Management to ensure the successful maintenance of behavioural change. Author keywords: Gerontology; Gerontology literature; Dementia; Senile dementia; Alzheimer’s disease; Psychophysiology; Operant behaviour; Organizational behaviour