Intercountry adoption in Ireland for adoptive parents and those in the childcare services
Lynch, Sarah May
Issue Date
BA (Hons) in Social Science
Dublin Business School
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This is a study of intercountry adoption in Ireland through a qualitative approach. The aim of this Final Year Project is to present an overview of intercountry adoption for adoptive parents and those in the childcare services. Six interviews with adoptive parents have taken place. A Dictaphone has been used to record this data. This study will illustrate how intercountry adoption is a positive option for institutionalised children, and that prolonged institutionalisation can result in emotional and physical deprivation. Also indicated is that the procedure for adoption can be overly complicated, cost prohibitive, and discriminatory. Thematic analysis was the method used for this study, this focuses on specific themes to gain an understanding of personal experiences. Author keywords: Intercountry adoption, Ireland, adoption