Global activism: the globalising effect of new & alternative media


Lambe, Michelle

Issue Date



BA (Hons) in Media & Marketing


Dublin Business School


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The subject I am undertaking research in is global activism and specifically the effect of new media, information and communications technologies (lCTs) and alternative media forms within this area. It is a contemporary issue that is frequently represented in our news media and relates to many issues regarding environmental concerns, such as climate change, and humanitarian issues, such as social injustices, in today's globalised economies and societies. Many western governments are now putting environmental, social and human rights issues on the political agenda due to demands of its people and as a result of campaigning and exposure of these injustices by NGOs (non-governmental organisations). Climate change, social justice and humanitarian issues are to the forefront for many campaigners and citizens who work for change and awareness. Global activists can now communicate, and activist organisations and movements are structured through and by means of new media; internet, mobile technology and other media channels that facilitate the activities of these groups. I will consider the role of alternative media in society, the cultural implications and the problems that may arise as it exists alongside mainstream, profit-driven media systems. Many media theorists have attempted to define alternative media and explain what it is alternative to. I will examine these theories and critically analyse their positions against other proposed arguments and incorporate this into my own research.
