Analyzing the brand loyalty of soft drink companies in UK : a case study of Coca-Cola, UK


Menaria, Prem Shankar

Issue Date



MSc in Management Practice


Dublin Business School


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Brand refers to name, logo or any other type of symbol that distinguish one firm from another in the market. In the present era due to rise in competition level it has become necessary for every firm to develop its own brand in the market so that unique identity can be developed and customers can be encouraged easily to buy the product. Brand loyalty plays significant role in the modern era as it provides base to the company and supports to become leader in the market. The main reason behind carrying out this study is to assess the brand loyalty of Coca Cola in UK as through this organization can know its overall position in the market and consumption pattern of its target market. For carrying out the study in appropriate manner various objectives have been developed which are to examine the current brand loyalty of Coca Cola, UK, to identify and assess the brand loyalty strategies adopted by soft drink industry, UK, to examine the effectiveness of current brand loyalty strategies of Coca Cola, UK and to recommend valuable brand loyalty strategies for Coca Cola UK on the basis of conducted customer research. The present study is descriptive in nature which is used for describing characteristics of the population and supports in in-depth analysis. Furthermore to collect data both primary and secondary sources have been considered where primary data is collected from customers of Coca Cola through structured questionnaire and interview and secondary one is obtained through sources such as books, journals, online articles etc. Sample size chosen is 100 customers and 10 managers of Coca cola. For carrying out the present study positivism research philosophy has been used where role of investigator is only limited to data collection. Further both inductive and deductive approach has been adopted for conducting study. Whereas, random sampling has been used in order to collect information from the customers of the firm and in case of managers information has been acquired from them through adoption of judgmental sampling. Further, to analyze data both qualitative and quantitative techniques have been employed in order to carry out the study where in former on different themes have been formed and in later one tool like SPSS has been employed. After carrying out the entire it has become easy to understand brand loyalty of Coca cola in the market of UK and all other brand loyalty strategies being adopted by enterprise in order to attract its customers. Products of Coca Cola are easily available in the market of UK and this encourages customers to go for this brand. Furthermore, company provides experience to the 3 customers about the brands instead of products and services which is also effective. Company like Coca cola has designed effective advertising and promotional strategies that possess capability to affect purchase behavior of its customers and this assist in increasing brand loyalty which is regarded as the ultimate objective of the business enterprise. Organization strongly focuses on its price being set for its soft drink as it influences purchase behavior of customers and it is the basic reason behind setting moderate prices for its products. Attractive window display of firm is totally unique where products such as diet coke etc are highlighted in different way through which company provides remarkable experience to its customers in the market of soft drink. Furthermore, on the basis of conclusion there are some recommendations to firm which are the strategic brand adopted by business enterprise is not at all effective so, it is necessarily required to focus on this process so that organization can easily meet with the expectation of customers. Process of customer engagement of Coca Cola requires improvement and two way communication is required so that business enterprise can know about taste and preference of its target market.