Social media interaction: Effects on self-esteem and anxiety comparing age, gender and socio economic status


Farrell, Laura

Issue Date



BA (Hons) in Psychology


Dublin Business School


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This study examined the relationship between extended social media use, self-esteem, social media interaction anxiety and social media self-evaluation anxiety. Gender differences, generational differences and socio-economic status was examined throughout the analysis. Participants (n216) over 18 years were recruited via convenience sampling which escalated to a snowball sample using a quantitative questionnaire. This was shared across social media platforms. A Spearmans Rho determined a negative relationship between social media use and self-esteem in the female cohort, but failed to replicate this for males. Similarly self-esteem increased with extended social media use in the 18-34 year olds, yet the same effect was not evident for the 35-65 year olds. A. Kruskal Wallis H failed to establish any differences across socio-economic status, self-esteem and social media use. A correlation in social media use and social media interaction anxiety across both age groups was established. Further implications are discussed throughout.
