The effects of repatriation on managers returning from foreign assignments


Murray, Owen Thomas

Issue Date



MSc in International Business


Dublin Business School


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This study explains the effects of repatriates on managers returning from foreign assignments. The first chapter provides the reader with an introduction to my chosen topic, the justification of undertaking the topic and my research objectives. The second chapter explains the research methodology, my questionnaire design and the problems I encountered when gathering information. The study goes on to explain the expatriation/repatriation process in detail. It begins with the selection criteria needed for expatriation and goes on to criticize it. Next, the factors needed by the expatriate to adjust to their new environment are explained. I have then set out a training process an expatriate should go through before the assignment. Repatriation is then explained in detail for the reader describing present barriers to the process and factors needed to be taken into consideration during the repatriate’s adjustment. Proactive strategies are then suggested with a conclusion provided for the reader. The next chapter is the main body of my research and is all my primary research explained through the use of diagrams and tables with literature explaining every response I received. This section provides four sections: Demographics of respondents, Length of expatriation and repatriation, the expatriation/repatriation process and Independent Variables. The final chapter consists of conclusions and recommendations. It suggests a recommended repatriation program and a possible way of carrying out future research on this topic.