Marketing communication strategies for mobile online services


Dillon, Jonathan

Issue Date



MBA in Business Management


Dublin Business School


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Over the last five years a new software industry has exploded rapidly into existence stemming from the creation of the smartphone and the applications that run on them. These applications can be developed for a multitude of services types given the powerful and portable nature of these devices. This research endeavours to provide a better understanding of how these applications can be marketed to consumers given that their usage differs greatly from previous software products and services due to their ease of access. Being available online these products lends themselves very easily to digital marketing. However being available to use at any time means that non-digital marketing can also be a powerful tool to engage the user and create an immediate response action on their mobile phone. This research uses an online survey to compare the differences between consumer attitudes to both digital advertising and more traditional offline channels with respect to mobile services. It shows that though many users prefer traditional channels to digital it is the online channels that are better at generating a response. It also demonstrates that digital channels don't reach the entire target market, therefore a combination of communication channels should be used for the best response. This research also studies the ease at which consumers transition from offline channels to using online services and discovers that this can be a major problem and will reduce the effectiveness of offline advertising despite it being preferred by consumers. Author keywords: Online services, mobile, smartphones, mobile marketing, digital marketing, mobile service