Youth club/organisation participants verses non-participants: comparing socialisation, inclusion skills, and attitudes towards their peers with disabilities
Burke, Hayley
Issue Date
Higher Diploma in Arts in Psychology
Dublin Business School
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The aim of the study is to examine the difference of children who participate in youth Club/organisation verses non-users. The variables include the comparison of socialisation, inclusion, and attitudes towards their peers with disabilities. The methods consisted of a quantitative, question design between participants (n=70), aged between seven and eleven years (m= 8.91) The materials used consisted of: Children’s attitudes towards Down Syndrome (1993), Children’s Social Distance from Handicapped Persons Scale and McGill Friendship Questionnaire-RA (1997) The result of one hypoFinal Year Project was proven, hypoFinal Year Project 2. In addition, other significant results arose such as the impact on gender towards attitudes towards children with disabilities and gender in relation to inclusion. Scores on friendship remained positive regardless of participation in clubs/organisations. Author keywords: inclusion children’s attitudes, disabilities