Performance measurement and job satisfaction in call centres


Kisiel, Agnieszka

Issue Date



MBA in Human Resource Management


Dublin Business School


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Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of performance measurement in call centres on employees’ job satisfaction. The objectives are to identify those measurements, and if they are in excess, establish their impact on job satisfaction. Furthermore, the objective is to compare the view of employees with the view of managers on the performance measurement in the call centre. Approach: The approach implemented in this study was a quantitative research. This was conducted via self designed questionnaire, based on critical analysis of the literature available on performance measurement and call centres. The questionnaire has been distributed on paper across one of Ireland’s major call centres. Results: The findings suggest that performance measurement if in excess does have a negative impact on employees’ job satisfaction. However, the perception of those measures and their impact is perceived oppositely by employees and management. Value: Although there have been many works presented on call centres over the years and the sector has matured, the business still seems to struggle with similar problems. In the wake of social media and other communication channels, call centres might have to go through changes. In order to progress managers must understand the value of their employee and their impact on the customer. The findings of this paper may contribute to employee or a manager working in the call centre environment who is interested in transforming their centres into customer contact centres, and improving circumstances for employees and customers. The research may also contribute the already existing literature.