Evaluation of factors causing stress among school teachers of North India
Kaur, Navneet
Issue Date
MA of Business Administration
Dublin Business School
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The term “stress” is borrowed from the discipline of physics. Stress actually means pressure. The word Stress originally has been derived from a Latin word ‘STRINGERE’ meaning to ‘draw tight’. Teaching has become most challenging profession and it is one of the most significant as a profession in the world. Schools are important organization like other organizations in the world. Now days it is tough to be a teacher. The responsibilities and organizations of the job make teaching difficult. New skills and knowledge are the demands on teachers to perform new task at their job. The characteristics, expectations from teachers and conditions of teaching presently are becoming more and more stressful that may have positive as well as deleterious consequences for them and their relation with students. Stress among teachers is caused by environmental as well as individual characteristics. Major environmental factors include poor work conditions, lack of resources, heavy workloads, and deadlines, lack of job security, poor pay scales and student behavior. The aim of study is to find out the main reasons of the stress in teachers of schools in north India. The results of this study will reveal various types of stress experienced by the teachers of schools in India. Recent research has shown teachers in India are the most affected by the stress in their working environment. One out of three teachers report teaching as extremely stressful profession. Various environmental and individual factors are responsible for stress among teachers of schools in north India.