Going beyond ones reach. Exploring boundaries and dual relationships in the therapeutic relationship


Cassidy, Rob

Issue Date



Higher Diploma in Arts in Counselling and Psychotherapy


Dublin Business School


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The basis of this thesis is to study the relationships between both client and therapist. More importantly it is to study the ‘dual relationships’ between the therapist and client that exist in the therapeutic relationship. These ‘dual relationships’ throughout current research have been seen as quite controversial in the sense of whether or not they can benefit or inhibit the therapeutic relationship. The ‘dual relationship’ is a part of the area of the therapeutic relationship known as boundaries. It seems from current research that there is a split of opinion on the benefits of the ‘dual relationship’. It is hoped that this thesis will review current research and understanding of the believed benefits of use of boundaries and dual relationships within the therapeutic setting. It is also hoped that it will give the background reading for further research in the area. Author Keywords: Boundaries, Dual-Relationships, Power