Like it or not. The relationship between personality traits, narcissim, self-esteem, self-monitering and Facebook usage
Zabawska, Monika
Issue Date
BA (Hons) in Psychology
Dublin Business School
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The study examined the relationship between 3 of the ‘Big Five’ personality traits, extraversion, conscientiousness and openness to experience, narcissism, self-esteem, self-monitoring and the Facebook usage and also investigated the differences between Facebook users and non-users on extraversion, narcissism and self-esteem. 123 adult participants using a convenient sample participated in non- experimental quantitative study. They completed the online survey containing Big Five Inventory, Narcissism Inventory, Rosenberg Self-esteem, Self-monitoring and Facebook Intensity Scale. The results showed that extraversion and openness to experience significantly correlate with Facebook use. The results also showed significant differences between Facebook users and non-users on self-esteem. No significant differences on extraversion and narcissism have been found. Implications of the findings, and suggestions for future research are discussed.