Factors affecting social media communication of millennials and the influence of social media on their behaviour


Vijayarajan, Anisha Sheryn

Issue Date



MSc in Management Practice


Dublin Business School


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Social media has overtaken the world by its advancement in technology enhancing the way people communicate with each other. The generation that has benefited the most and also been compromised by this are the “millennials”. This research explores why millennials are so fond of communicating through social media and if the factors that affect face to face communication also affect their online communication. It also examines whether or not social media has an impact on the behaviour of millennials. This research used explanatory study with correlational design. A self-selected sample of 209 participants between the age of 18 – 35 completed the internet questionnaire. Results showed that the factors that influence interpersonal communication also impact online communication in social media. Also, that social media does impact the behaviour of millennials but in a positive way. In conclusion, social media undoubtedly is influenced by the factors and it impacts the behaviour of millennials and it would be very valuable if future research focused on the possible reasons for this.