The perspectives of prison educators on the education system in Irish prisons
Kennedy, Kate
Issue Date
BA (Hons) in Social Science
Dublin Business School
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This research study will aim to examine the Prison Educators perspective on prison education in Irish prisons. It shall explore the perspectives of teachers that work in Irish Prisons. It will examine their views on prison education in a number of areas including benefits of education, the prison curriculum and their professional background. The participants have all worked within the prison environment for a substantial number of years and have worked in a number of the education units such as Male, Female and Juvenile Centres. The study was conducted using qualitative analysis and analysed using thematic analysis. The results show the participants to have positive regard towards their students and overall good feeling towards the education system. However the participants did discuss negative aspect of the career such as the conditions of the prisons, the security issues and disruption to education. This research study supported much of the literature done in the area surrounding prison education although there has been less research done in the area of the educators perspective on education.