The outlook of SMEs in Ireland towards green cloud computing


Say, Sanem

Issue Date



MBA in Cloud Computing


Dublin Business School


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This research is aimed to find an answer to what extent green solutions are influencing adoption of cloud computing in Small and Medium Enterprises, SMEs, in Ireland with secondary analysis including, books, journal articles and so on. and primary analysis containing 104 survey responses from SMEs in Ireland. Value free analysis is maintained through adopted philosophy, positivism. Thus, deductive approach is applied to provide more structured analysis resulted with the unavailability of the research topic within literature. Secondary data analysis underlined the ongoing environmental concerns around the world, Ireland’s current situation regarding environmental issues, the effect of IT sector on the environment and particularly aimed to highlight the difference that can be achieved by cloud vendors, and SMEs. Primary data analysis based on quantitative data retrieved from SME employees including information about their demographics, their view of cloud computing and green cloud computing seek an answer whether green solutions have a role in SMEs adoption of cloud computing or not and if so to what extent. This research highlighted the existence of value given to green cloud computing even though it does not reflect all of the SMEs. In addition, it observed the effect of green awareness on SMEs decision making and found to be promising for the future to lessen negative environmental contribution of SMEs.