Examining the impact of employee national identity on organizational culture and values adoption within a multinational corporation
Brooks, Kira
Issue Date
MBA in Executive Leadership
Dublin Business School
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This study investigates how national identity impacts upon the understanding and adoption of organizational cultural mechanisms including stated desired values and behaviours within a multinational company. It seeks to understand the cultural portrayals of employees within this company representing nine nationalities across four distinct geographic regions in relation to their organization‘s Shared Purpose, Shared Commitments, and Shared Behaviours. The study was conducted via qualitative means to probe and understand employee thoughts and perceptions surrounding their company‘s cultural program, and determine what, if any, national cultural nuances exist in relation to their understanding, resonance, internalization, and enactment of these stated behaviours. Several key findings emerged, which were clustered in three dominant themes: Change Management and Communication of Values; Role of Leadership; and National Cultural Considerations. These findings provide a basis of recommendations to organizations seeking to enact or influence cultural programs within their organizations, particularly those companies with heterogeneous employee populations. Organizational culture, organizational values, national culture, corporate culture, cross-cultural management