Awareness of intellectual capital management in high technology manufacturing environment
Nasir, Junaid
Issue Date
MA of Business Studies
Dublin Business School
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This dissertation seeks to investigate the process of knowledge transfer by using Intellectual Capital Management. To manage and measure knowledge-based resources is one of the most important challenges for the modem organisations. It is widely claimed that knowledge has succeeded capital as the most important production factor. More and more knowledge is built into products and making the most of the organisation's intellectual assets is a major, if not the most important, key to competitiveness. Therefore, Knowledge Management has evolved during the past few years as the next big management school and more and more companies are starting Knowledge Management programs. In connection to Knowledge Management, Intellectual Capital is a widely used term. The Research found that there exists some confusion as to how Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management relate. This inspired the researcher to put Knowledge Management in an Intellectual Capital Management perspective, where Knowledge Management is seen as one way of influencing the Intellectual Capital. During the study questionnaire was used to gather data. This data was then summarised and interpreted and compared to the literature that was researched. Comparisons and Conclusions were drawn up to attempt to ascertain the actual value placed upon Intellectual Capital Management in the organisation and the value of experts where so much of this knowledge resides.