Smartphone use and anxiety in college students: How social support and feelings of connectedness helps


Kelly, Anne Marie

Issue Date



BA (Hons) in Psychology


Dublin Business School


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A questionnaire was carried out on-line and in class to determine if rising anxiety levels amongst college students could be attributed to excessive smartphone use. Additionally, the study sought to explore if social support and levels of connectedness can positively impact mental health. One hundred and seven students (F=81, M=26) participated. The questionnaire employed a quantitative, cross-sectional design with opportunity and snowball sampling. Four scales were utilized; the 7-item Anxiety sub-scale from The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, The Multi-Dimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, The Smartphone Addiction Scale and The Social Connectedness Scale. Gender, age (groups), full-time/part-time/day/evening attendance/undergraduate/postgraduate study were recorded. Results indicated there were no differences in anxiety levels based on age. High smartphone use did result in higher anxiety. High levels of social support failed to predict lower levels of anxiety. Results found a correlation between high levels of smartphone use and lower levels of connectedness.
