An investigation of the involvement of the line manager in the training process following the introduction of pay related performance management systems in insurance companies operating in the property casualty sector the Irish insurance market
Hunt, Lisa
Issue Date
MA of Business Studies
Dublin Business School
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Much has been written regarding the changing role of line managers within organisations in relation to Human Resource Management. In particular their responsibility for the learning and development of their subordinates is a topic that has come under much discussion. A number of authors have linked the training process with pay related performance management systems. Initial performance management reviews are expected to produce not only objective or target setting for an individual but also a Personal Development Plan in one form or another detailing the training and development needs of an individual and proposed training and development activity which must be undertaken to resolve the gaps identified. End of year reviews are expected to incorporate a review of the years activity including training and assess any improvements in performance or changes in behaviour, which have resulted from the training activity. This implies that the reviewer or the immediate manager is carrying out the activity of identifying training needs, monitoring transfer of learning and evaluating training which are traditionally training and development specialist tasks. The aim of this research is to prove that there is an increased level of involvement of the line manager in the training process where a pay related performance management system has been implemented. Primary is an increased level of involvement of a pay related performance management system has been implemented. Primary research will be carried out in the form of a questionnaire issued to a number of line managers and interviews carried out with managers who are responsible for training and development. The focus of the research will be on companies operating in the property sector of the Irish insurance market.