Job satisfaction in Ireland : an investigation into the influence of self-esteem, generalised self-efficacy and affect
Fitzmaurice, Cliodhna
Issue Date
Higher Diploma in Arts in Psychology
Dublin Business School
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This research was designed to gain further insight into the relationship between self-esteem, generalised self-efficacy, affect and job satisfaction during the current economic recession in Ireland. An experiment conducted with Irish participants (N=115) tested the hypoFinal Year Project that individuals’ with high self-esteem, high self-efficacy and positive affect will report high levels of job satisfaction. Researchers investigating the dispositional sources of job satisfaction (Judge, Locke & Durham, 1997) maintain that positive affect and the core self-evaluations (which include self-esteem and generalised self-efficacy), are positively related to job satisfaction. However, when the three concepts were examined using self-report measures, only generalised self-efficacy and positive affect were found to be significantly related to job satisfaction. Limitations and modifications for future research are discussed. Author keywords: Job satisfaction, self-esteem, self-efficacy, positive effect, recession, Ireland