Effects of aggression from adults with intellectual disability : on care staffs' job satisfaction, motivation & behaviour


Kolawole, Alice

Issue Date



BA in Psychology


Dublin Business School


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It has been hypothesized that in intervening with challenging behaviours staff are often acting to terminate an aversive experience (Hastings & Remington, 1994a). The focus of this study was to investigate the relationship between Carers responses on the behaviour attribution, emotional response, job satisfaction, motive for helping, and their willingness to offer extra help on real incidences of aggression displayed by service user in a residential setting. In this investigation, 42 caregivers who worked with people exhibiting challenging behaviour were asked to complete a questionnaire while reporting on these variables. Data were analysed using Pearson's correlation and bivariate analysis of variance. Care Staff were more likely to evaluate the behaviour more negatively but reported they would be more likely to offer extra help to the service user. The biomedical causal attribution was related to altruistic and reward seeking motive for helping. However, majority of Staff reported relatively high job satisfaction. Satisfaction with intervention, emotional responses and the effectiveness of management strategies were considered most important in determining challenging behaviour. This study showed support for Sharrock et al (1990) findings and partially supported findings reported in Dagnan et al (1998). Future study areas were recommended accordingly.
