Facilitating recovery on a special rehabilitation unit during the Covid-19 pandemic


Dunne, Seanán

Issue Date



Higher Diploma in Psychology


Dublin Business School


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The impact of Covid-19 introduced many challenges for mental health services around the world. Recovery as a concept has gained traction internationally since the 1980s inspiring the development of Ireland first specialised rehabilitation unit (SRU) in Ireland. Despite resources being curtailed recovery continued to be facilitated by SRU staff. To get an in-depth understanding of the effects Covid-19 had on facilitating recovery on the SRU during the pandemic this study uses a semi-structured interview to conduct qualitative research exploring the experiences of 6 members of a multidisciplinary team (MDT) and through thematic analysis 6 high-quality themes were generated. The findings reveal a tri-structural narrative illustrating how the participants collectively overcame the obstacles they were confronted with through collaboration, adaptation, and innovative technology. Investigated are factors maximising the potential for successful recovery orientated practices to be facilitated, barriers that can be minimised and several implications based off the current research findings.
