Analysing the changes in mobile technologies and how they have impacted on consumer purchase behaviour in clothing retailers
Kemple, Fiona
Issue Date
BA of Business in Retail Management
Dublin Business School
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The researcher analyses changes in mobile technologies and how it has impacted on consumer purchase behaviour. As a result of the researchers findings they ultimately decided further investigation would broaden data available relating to this contemporary issue. Throughout both the primary and secondary research process the author seeks information on the impact of mobile commerce on consumer experience, consumer purchasing process and consumer involvement. The aim of this dissertation is to unveil the behaviours and attitudes of consumers within Generation Y concerning this particular topic. The author adopted Generation Y as their target market as a result of this age group following new trends and being open to new ideas (Reisenwitz & Iyer2009). Throughout the secondary research process the author seeks information that supports and rejects each research objective chosen. 1. Consumers Shopping Experience 2. Consumers Shopping Process 3. Consumer Involvement Bagdare and Jain (2013) identifies customer experiences are changing. The author found that consumers’ expectations from retailers are growing and as a result retailers need to become more innovative in order to enhance consumers in-store experience (González, 2014). The researcher identified that the internet has become an integral part of consumers shopping process (Havas, 2013). Research exposed by Ellen (2014) depicts that consumers are becoming ‘Mobile First’, as a result consumers shopping processes are changing. Research by Miller (2014) and Bodhani (2012) support Ellen (2014) as they believe that online and offline retailing is now becoming an extension of one another. As a result of the above findings the author portrays further investigation into each objective in order to enhance the findings. Author keywords: Mobile commerce, mobile technology, consumer shooping experience, consumer involvement, consumer purchase process