The value of social media in CRM : from CRM 1.0 to CRM 2.0
El Bernoussi, Marouan
Issue Date
MA Marketing
Dublin Business School
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Purpose - Through this master’s level thesis, the researcher wants to deeply study CRM and the value of linking social media to it. Specifically, the researcher wants to determine if there is a potential gap between customers’ and companies’ perception of social CRM. Methodology - Through the literature review about information systems, CRM, social media and marketing, the researcher gained considerable knowledge to tackle this topic. The researcher used quantitative and qualitative approach to conduct research. Findings - Social media add value to CRM and improve companies’ businesses. Social CRM will not replace the classical model of CRM. Most importantly, there is a perception gap between customers’ and companies’ perception of social CRM. Limitations - The questionnaire was administered in the Facebook fan page of Bouygues Telecom, which can lead to limitations in terms of sampling representativity. There might be some limitations also in terms of the researcher’s lack of experience in conducting surveys. Practical implications - Outcomes and implications for practice resulting from this dissertation are that businesses wanting to adopt social CRM strategies must develop a real social CRM strategy and not contenting themselves of having a presence on social media. Value of paper - This dissertation will bring value to everyone who wants first to understand what is CRM, it’s underlying principles and criticisms. And secondly having a wide overview and knowledge of linking social media to CRM practices. Author keywords: CRM, social media