The role of media and it's effect on self objectification, body dissatisfaction and self-esteem


Derwin, Michelle

Issue Date



BA (Hons) in Psychology


Dublin Business School


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In this study we employed an experimental in between design to investigate the effects of media exposure on participant levels of self-esteem, body dissatisfaction, trait and state self objectification. To collect this data we randomly allocated 35 females and 37 males into either the control or experimental condition levels. To measure effects of both variables pre & post manipulation of selfesteem and body dissatisfaction tests were administered before and after the advertisements. These students consisted both of full-time and part-time students ranging in ages from 18 to 40 years of age. In the control condition participants were shown neutral advertisements and in the experimental condition participants were shown advertisements containing the sexual objectification of both men. The results showed that by watching only 12 mins of advertisements containing sexual objectification in one single sitting levels of state self objectification increased significantly in comparison to watching neutral advertisements in both men and women. Along with increased states of self objectification were lower levels of self-esteem both men and women. In women only results showed significantly higher levels of body dissatisfaction when both compared against gender and the control condition. Author keywords: Body dysmorphic disorder
