Determinants affecting the likelihood of volunteering in Barretstown camp for sick children
Russell-Carroll, Jessica
Issue Date
BA in Psychology
Dublin Business School
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Substantial past research has focused on the positive effects that volunteering has on subjective wellbeing while research into the domain of wellbeing increasing the likelihood of volunteering remains low. This study was designed to assess subjective wellbeing and age in determining volunteer behaviour in Barretstown. This study consisted of volunteers from Barretstown and a control group from the Dublin Business School (n = 93; 38 = volunteers; 55 = non-volunteers). The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE), an adapted extraversion questionnaire (AEQ) and qualitative data were used. The hypotheses are supported by the results and consistent with the findings of other studies. Limitations and avenues for future research will also be discussed.