Defence mechanisms in adolescence and the relationship with emotional regulation and personality traits


Riley, Jessica

Issue Date



BA (Hons) in Psychology


Dublin Business School


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The aim of this study is to investigate defence mechanisms, emotional regulation and personality, across 120 secondary school students. Assessing help seeking behaviour, perceptions of mental health and knowledge of services available, using a mixed method approach. Students in 1st, 2nd and 5th year within the age range of 12-17 years old, 62 males and 58 females took part in the study. The 5th year students use mature and immature defences suppression and devaluation. There was a relationship with emotional regulation, mature, neurotic and immature defences, and personality. First year students are more reliant on family support than friends, while 2nd and 5th year students rely more on friends and less on family.
