Examining the recent technological changes in the aspect of HRM practice: a case study of HR practitioners in Headhunt International


Yakusak, Emily

Issue Date



MBA in Human Resource Management


Dublin Business School


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This study aims at examining the recent technological changes in the aspect of HRM practice. Technology is a tool that has and is still being globally used for the benefit of humanity. It is being utilised by various organisations to meet the needs of its various stakeholders. On a regular basis, new and upgraded versions of technology are being invented. It’s been observed that, the distinguishing factor between organisations is their ability to use modern technology to deliver HR service. Technology in HR practice can be used to improve an organisations performance. In as much as technology has been of immense benefit to organisations, it also comes with its challenges and other downsides. This study provides an outlay of how HR technology emerged and its gradual acceptance and practice in organisations. The research is intended to show the need to understand the use of HR technology in organisations and the need to curb its challenges.