Religiosity, gender role beliefs and attitudes towards homosexuals in an Irish and non-national sample
Ross, Kiera
Issue Date
BA in Psychology
Dublin Business School
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Many previous studies that set out to investigate attitudes towards homosexuals were carried out in the U.S. on middle-class Caucasian students with the views of ethnic minority groups going unrepresented. The aim of this study was to investigate attitudes towards homosexuals held by both Irish students and non-national students living in Ireland. The expressed attitudes were compared with levels of intrinsic religiosity and gender role beliefs held by the same persons. Students (N=79) completed self-report questionnaires in a mixed design study. The data was analysed using a Pearson's r test to look at within-group correlations and independent samples t-tests to look at between-group differences. A significant correlation was found between gender role beliefs and homonegativity; significant differences were also found between the Irish and non-national group on gender role beliefs and attitudes towards homosexuals. The stronger link between traditional gender roles and homonegativity coupled with the more negative views expressed by males suggests that it is the perceived violation of prescribed gender roles that is viewed negatively, particularly by males, and this may play an important role in the development of homonegative attitudes.