An examination of the psychological factors relating to online and offline social interaction of adolescents in Ireland and Wales.
McAweeney, Rosie
Issue Date
BA (Hons) in Psychology
Dublin Business School
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This study examined the relationship of adolescents in their on-line and off-line social interaction to measure if social support, self-esteem, personality traits or life satisfaction were strong predictors in their cyber use. Participants were n = 169, with 117 males and 52 female Irish and Welsh adolescents, ranging in age from 13-18. A correlational mixed design, between groups with a convenience sample was used for a classroom questionnaire using the ICT (mobile and internet activity) scale, a social support scale, a self-esteem scale, a BFI personality trait scale and a life satisfaction scale, with qualitative questions on online/offline activities, and demographic questions on age, gender, ethnicity and country. Results found extraverts to be the strongest predictor of cyber use and found a difference in types of cyber use between males and females but not between countries. More longitudinal research is recommended in recording effective online and offline usage and psychological factors. Author Keywords: Social Interaction, On-line and Off-line, Adolescents, social support, self-esteem, personality and life satisfaction