An investigation into mindfulness, self-esteem & wellbeing in Irish adolescents


Stokes, David

Issue Date



Higher Diploma in Arts in Psychology


Dublin Business School


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The purpose of the current research was to investigate underlying predictor variables (factors) above previously documented factors which individually or in combination contribute to adolescent wellbeing. More specifically, this research sought to investigate the presence of mindfulness as both a trait and a state in an Irish adolescent population. Transition Year students from 2 schools took part in the study and completed a number of self-report measures of mindfulness and wellbeing. The variables measured included dispositional mindfulness, dimensions of mindfulness, self-efficacy, self-esteem, positive & negative affect, happiness and general health. Correlation analysis highlighted the association between the predictor variables (mindfulness & self-efficacy) and criterion variables (self-esteem, positive/negative affect & subjective happiness). Multiple regression analyses were carried out which suggests that dispositional mindfulness and some dimensions/facets of mindfulness are significant predictive indicators of adolescent wellbeing. Hierarchal-mediation analysis also found that mindfulness was a significant predictor variable on self-esteem when overall affect was examined as a mediating variable. Author Keywords: mindfulness, adolescents, wellbeing
