Patrons’ health queries for Healthy Ireland: are South Dublin public librarians prepared from their perspective.


Doyle, Pamela

Issue Date



MSc Information and Library Management


Dublin Business School


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This study aimed to investigate if South Dublin public librarians are confidently prepared for dealing with patrons’ health queries for the Healthy Ireland (H.I.) initiative from the librarians’ perspective. Seven qualitative semi-structured interviews with librarians were conducted. There is not a high demand for patrons’ health queries in South Dublin. The H.I. training is a voluntary one day session of talks. The majority of the librarians are not receiving training despite all librarians deeming training to be necessary and beneficial. Those that received training deem it sufficient. Less than one third of librarians would like more specific topics covered by H.I. and training of health information resources was a desired topic for inclusion in the H.I. training. South Dublin librarians possess a high level of digital literacy and customer care skills. The overwhelming majority of librarians feel confidently prepared for dealing with patrons’ health queries for the Healthy Ireland initiative.