The Irish Library Publishing Landscape: One Year On


Buggle, Jane
O'Neill, Marie

Issue Date




IFLA Special Interest Group on Library Publishing


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Jane Buggle and Marie O’Neill co-hosted the inaugural IFLA SIG on Library Publishing Mid-term Meeting at Dublin Business School in Dublin in spring 2019, which showcased library publishing exemplars from around the world. The meeting also displayed examples from the then-nascent Irish library publishing community. This paper will discuss a number of significant developments that have taken place in the last year to advance the Irish library publishing movement, stimulated and energised by the knowledge sharing among peers at the meeting in Dublin. Developments include the establishment of the Library Publishing Group of the Library Association of Ireland(LAI) with international affiliates and the embedding of Educopia’s Library Publishing Curriculum within a postgraduate Library Studies programme. Already a number of librarians involved in publishing activities have come forward to join the Library Publishing Group, augmented by librarians who also wish to develop the skillset.