The relationship between happiness, creativity, personality and locus of control in Ireland for those who are employed and unemployed


Sindane, Lindiwe M.

Issue Date



BA (Hons) in Psychology


Dublin Business School


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The study provided a quantitative review of the relationship among measures of happiness, creativity and locus of control, personality and emotional intelligence, for both employed and unemployed also age. A total of (N= 131) participants took part. The inclusion criteria was over 18 able to understand instructions to 52 years of age, people with severe learning difficulties were excluded. Assessment included the Oxford Happiness Inventory, The Runco Ideation Behavior Scale, Rotter’s Locus of Control, Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire and The Big Five Taxonomy. Results showed a weak relationship between happiness and locus of control, A non-significant relationship between creativity and locus of control. Extraversion correlated with happiness while Neuroticism was not. No significant difference between groups on LOC. A significant difference between groups in personality. There was a strong significant relationship between trait emotional intelligence and happiness. Author keywords: Happiness, creativity, personality and locus of control for both employed and unemployed
