Turning a negative into a positive : can passive procrastinators develop into active procrastinators?


Clifford, Carol

Issue Date



BA (Hons) in Psychology


Dublin Business School


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Recent research has revealed three different styles of procrastinating behaviour, the maladaptive passive procrastination and the more effective non procrastination and active procrastination. The present study investigated whether individuals changed their procrastination style as they progressed through secondary school and third level education. Contextual and demographic factors were also considered. Second and third level students completed the Decisional Procrastination Questionnaire and the Active Procrastination Measure. Biographical data was also collected. The results indicated that procrastination style is not affected by progress through the education system, age, the level of parents’ education or by the number of their siblings. Higher levels of active procrastination were seen in participants who were in an exam year. This suggests that procrastination can change to more adaptive forms as a response to external factors.
