Differences between Irish and Brazilian Students' Stress Levels, Coping Strategies, Social Support, Positive-Negative Affect


Farrell, Dannielle

Issue Date



BA in Psychology


Dublin Business School


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The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between levels of perceived stress and the psychological variables, coping strategies, social support and positive-negative affect, among Irish and Brazilian students. Respondents included 50 Brazilian students from an English as a Foreign Language college and 51 Irish business students from a third level college in Dublin. All students completed a self report questionnaire. Results from an analysis of covariance indicated positive affectivity and negative affectivity had a significant main effect on the levels of stress among the Irish and Brazilian students. A correlation analyses showed a strong, negative correlation between positive affectivity and levels of perceived stress and showed a strong, positive correlation between negative affectivity and levels of perceived stress. An independent samples design showed statistically significant differences between coping strategies among Irish and Brazilian students.
