Online film distribution (Movierium)


Ajagbe, Aminat

Issue Date



MSc in Information Systems with Computing


Dublin Business School


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This dissertation focuses on improving the connection between a filmmaker and the audience. It provides more accessibility and availability to streaming movies for audiences, not in the country or state of a cinema release. A filmmaker should reach a wider audience than those just in the released environs, by developing and designing a pay-per-view videoon- demand system and working in collaboration with filmmakers. Movierium is an online film distribution (streaming) website, developed using the following technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Python (Django Framework), Bootstrap, MySQL, Heroku, PostgreSQL, and SendGrid and Stripe APIs. The system is secure, accessible, reliable, an exemplary user interface (UI), and user experience (UX). Filmmakers shall provide the movies available on the platform, and they shall be accessible to users for a limited time after payment.