Factors influencing adoption of mobile banking in Kenya: a qualitative analysis of commercial banks in Nairobi County, Kenya


Mulili, Stellamaris Mwithi

Issue Date



MSc in Financial Technology


Dublin Business School


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The study focused on determining factors influencing adoption of mobile banking in Kenya. The main objective was to examine the influence of perceived risks (financial risk), perceived usefulness (convenience and cost reduction) and regulatory factors (interoperability and privacy) on the adoption of mobile banking. A sample size was 57 was obtained through convenient sampling. A correlation analysis between perceived usefulness, perceived risks, regulatory factors and mobile banking adoption was conducted. A statistically significant correlation between perceived usefulness and adoption of technology was found (r=.63, p=0.00). The study found the correlation between perceived risks and adoption of technology to be strong and statistically significant (r=.82, p=0.00). A statistically significant correlation between regulatory factors and technology adoption (r=.89, p=0.00) was established. From the findings, banking institutions must improve their systems security, enhance security, and reduce cost of mobile banking services.