Examining the Relationship between Need to Belong, Tolerance for Disagreement, Attachment Style and Life Satisfaction.
O’Gallagher, Aoibhin
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BA (Hons) in Psychology
Dublin Business School
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This study was conducted to assess to possible relationships between tolerance for disagreement, need to belong, attachment styles and if the relate to life satisfaction in an adult sample. Participants were (N-114) in total with (N= 67) females and (N=47) males. Participants were asked demographic gender question in order to test for gender differences and to confirm their age above 18 along with self-report measures. The Tolerance for Disagreement Scale (TFD) (Teven, Richmond & McCroskey, 1998) was used to measure the degree to which an individual can tolerate other people disagreeing with what the individual believes to be true. The Measure of Attachment Qualities (MAQ) (Carver, 1997) was used to measure adult attachment patterns The Need to Belong Scale (NTBS) (Leary, Kelly, Cottrell & Schreindorfer, 2006) was used to measure individuals need to belong. The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) (Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985) was used to measure subjective life satisfaction. Independent samples t-test found there to be gender differences in need to belong (M=-5.556, SE= 1.48, t(84.857)= -3.753, p < .0005) and in tolerance for disagreement (M= 4.08, 98% CI [.132, 8.039], t(112) = 2.047, p= .043). Spearman’s rho showed there was a negative correlation between need to belong and tolerance for disagreement (Rs (112) = -.534, p < .0005). A multiple regression showed it possible to predict life satisfaction from tolerance for disagreement, need to belong and attachment qualities secure, avoidance, ambivalence-worry and ambivalence-merger. (F (6,107) = 8.201, p < .005 adj. R2 = .28). Spearman’s rho’s also showed correlations between attachment qualities and both need to belong and tolerance for disagreement, these and implications of findings are discussed in greater detail. Author Keywords: belongingness, disagreement, attachment qualities, conflict