An empirical investigation of teachers' self-efficacy, self-esteem and job stress as predictors of job satisfaction


Reilly, Eithne

Issue Date



BA (Hons) in Psychology


Dublin Business School


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Background: Research suggests that teachers who are dissatisfied with their work exhibit lower commitment therefore they are ultimately at a greater risk of leaving their profession. While teaching may bring personal satisfaction, teachers with greater teacher stress have lower self-efficacy, poorer teacher/student relations and lower levels of effectiveness. Aims: The main aim of this study was to examine what factors (self-efficacy, self-esteem and job stress) influence job satisfaction among teachers. Method: This study is correlational and descriptive in nature and was based on a quantitative cross-sectional design. Independent variables include: demographics, self-efficacy, self-esteem and perceived stress and dependent variable; job satisfaction. A questionnaire combining Fimian Teacher Stress Inventory, Teacher Efficacy Scale, Job Satisfaction Survey and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale was distributed to one hundred and twenty-one primary school teachers. Results: Respondents reported high levels of self-esteem, high levels of job satisfaction, moderate levels of self-efficacy and moderate perceived stress levels. Correlations showed significant relationships between variables. Multiple regression suggested that the block of predictor variable explained 17% of variance in job satisfaction indicating perceived stress as the best predictor. Conclusion: Teaching is a socially responsible profession which is highly accountable, unrelenting and intellectually, emotionally and physically demanding. Findings from this study indicate the importance of influencing job satisfaction which ultimately affects study learning in addition to outlining the implications of teacher stress. Author keywords: Teacher, job satisfaction, self-efficacy, teachers' self-esteem, teacher stress
