Work place job satisfaction with fast food industry's employees within Dublin city centre : an examination of fast food employee's perceptions or experiences


Nan, Li

Issue Date



MA of Business Administration (international)


Dublin Business School


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There has been much research carried out into the topic of labour turnover over many years. Staffs who are satisfied are more likely to stay working for a business. Research has also shown that there can be many reasons for dissatisfaction, and that they will vary in different situations. One of the main aims of this work was to carry out research into the causal effects of labour turnover at fast food restaurants in Dublin City. This was achieved in the form of a self-completion questionnaire, which sought to measure staff opinions and attitudes, from a census of staff. The main drivers of turnover identified were: pay rates; lack of career development; hours of work; training; poor staff recognition; staff and employer relationship; staff working condition; and communications etc.