Temporal relational responding : nodal and training effects using ‘before’ and ‘after’ contextual cues
Donovan, Jennifer
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Higher Diploma in Arts in Psychology
Dublin Business School
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In the first part of this experiment a five term post-class formation temporal sequence was brought under the control of arbitrary contextual cues for “Before” and “After”. Nodal distance effects and temporal order judgement effects on response latencies for participants (N=15) were investigated. Response latencies were significantly faster for “Before” relations relative to “After” relations for the known temporal sequence. Significant nodal effects on response latencies were also recorded. In the second part of the experiment, differential training histories, based on the learned contextual cues for “Before” and “After”, were then used to establish temporal relations within an arbitrary 5-term linear chain of nonsense syllables to investigate training effects, nodal distance effects and temporal order judgement effects on arbitrary applicable relational responding for participants (N=10). No significant effects were recorded for the arbitrary sequence of nonsense syllables. The implications of these findings for current theories of relational responding are considered.