Take the Power Back: sustainable business models for new university presses
Hyland, Jack
Kouker, Alexander
Zaitsev, Dmitri
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IFLA SIG on Library Publishing
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Activity in OA in Ireland is cutting a path (NORF, DCU Uni Press, DBS Library Press, Open Journal of Astrophysics), as the country reviews its subscription-focussed funding of e-resources (IReL review) in the context of OA2020 and Plan S. In an effort to address challenges about a stable transition to OA continuing to be dominated by a small number of for-profit publishers, as well as concerns about the ability of learned societies to adapt to Europe’s Open Science agenda, this presentation outlines a potential model for key actors in the Irish higher education system to enable subscription funded serial publications being flipped over to non-APC funded open access publications. The presentation will address the particular challenges of designing a robust and scalable business model required for sustaining OA in the long-run, including 1) incentivising stakeholders, 2) organisational leadership for OA and persisting cultural change, 3) governance structures, and 4) operational infrastructures. This presentation was subsequently expanded upon in a peer-reviewed article published by Insights. See details at https://insights.uksg.org/articles/10.1629/uksg.500/