Does psychotherapy have anything to offer the current paradigm shift occurring within clinical psychiatry?


Buckley, Angela

Issue Date



Higher Diploma in Arts in Counselling and Psychotherapy


Dublin Business School


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This body of research seeks to examine the current debate calling for a paradigm shift within clinical psychiatry. A group known as the Critical Psychiatrists are at the centre of this debate; formed out of a recognition that the current mental health system is failing the service user. This debate has raised questions as to why clinical psychiatry is currently relying solely on the use of medication for serious mental illness; such as schizophrenia and psychosis. The current debate argues that an over reliance on medication is failing the service user; essentially ignoring the human experience found at the root of these illnesses. This body of research proposes that psychodynamic psychotherapy offers a new way of treating schizophrenia and psychosis; a concept that has been adopted amongst the Scandinavian States for the past three decades. Furthermore; this research paper is of the opinion that each of the paradigms involved can gain a new understanding and mutual respect through enhancing their knowledge of what each discipline can offer this debate. Author keywords: Psychotherapy, schizophrenia, psychosis