An extensive mixed-methods analysis : Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), attentional ability and emotional acceptance


Hudaisa, Fatima
Hyland, John

Issue Date




Dublin Business School


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The aim of the study was to test the effects of mindfulness meditation on attentional abilities, perceived stress and emotional acceptance. A qualitative component post intervention was also included. Participants (n = 25) reported an increase in attentional abilities and perceived stress following a three week mindfulness program. Mixed results were observed for self-control and emotional acceptance, as with the mediation of executive control by emotional acceptance. Four major themes emerged from the qualitative data: increased self-regulation, individual variations, necessity of an open attitude, and practice. Results supported previous literature identifying mindfulness as an important factor positive well-being and complex cognition. Further implications are discussed in relation to theory and practice. Author keywords: Mindfulness based stress reduction, attentional ability, emotional acceptance
