The Impact of Mobile Devices Security in Ensuring Personal Information Safety on Social Media Networks. A Case Study of Instagram


Babatunde , Oluwatomi

Issue Date



MSc in Cybersecurity


Dublin Business School



This research investigates the impact of mobile security in ensuring personal information on social media networks. A cross-sectional study was conducted to examine the role of mobile phone security measures in protecting users' personal information, particularly within the context of Instagram. Online questionnaires were administered to 119 individuals, primarily from Nigeria and Ireland, to investigate their awareness of mobile device security measures, perception of the effectiveness of Instagram's mobile security measures, and their mobile device security practices. Furthermore, a mobile device examination was conducted on an Android mobile phone to investigate the vulnerability of Instagram data stored on mobile phones to security risks in the event of unauthorised access. The findings revealed the significance of mobile security features in protecting personal information on Instagram. Generally, participants were aware of various mobile device and Instagram security features such as password protection, biometric authentication, and two-factor authentication. Participants also considered the security features offered by Instagram to be effective in safeguarding their personal information. However, there was a gap between the perceived importance and awareness of security features and behaviour aimed at safeguarding personal information. Furthermore, the mobile device examination revealed the vulnerability of personal information to security risks associated with unauthorised access. This research has implications for Instagram and its users. A user awareness module is developed to promote responsible mobile device security practices and improve personal information safety within Instagram.