Adult attachment styles, loneliness, gender, age and their relationship to social media addiction


Branagan, Natasha

Issue Date



BA (Hons) in Psychology


Dublin Business School


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The following study aimed to explore the relationship between attachment styles, gender, age and loneliness in relation to social media addiction. Participants (N=99) were required to be above 18 years of age and to currently use social media. Participants were recruited online via social networking sites where a link was posted to the survey. The survey consisted of the measurement of attachment qualities to measure secure, avoidant and ambivalence-worry and ambivalence merger attachment styles, along with UCLA loneliness measure and the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale. The results found there was a significant positive correlation attachment styles and loneliness levels. There was a significant relationship between attachment and social media addiction. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between loneliness and social media addiction. Also, women were statistically significant in social media addiction levels. Finally, age was negatively correlated with loneliness and social media addiction levels.
