Evaluating for General Practice the effectiveness of parenting programmes in reducing stress and increasing levels of self-efficacy
McNamara, Barbara
Issue Date
BA in Psychology
Dublin Business School
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The aim of this present study was to evaluate, for General Practice, the effectiveness of parenting programmes in increasing self-efficacy and reducing levels of stress. An opportunistic sample of (n = 73) participants from 7 different parenting programmes took part in the study. Participants completed a demographic information sheet along with a Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) Questionnaire and a Perceived Stress Scale (PSS10) Questionnaire prior to starting and on completion of an 8 week parenting programme. This was a repeated measures design with parenting programmes as the intervention. The independent variables included gender, age, relationship status, employment status, employment status of partner, number of children and ages of children in the categories 0-3 years and 4-10 years. The dependent variables were the levels of self-efficacy and stress. The study employed a repeated measures ANOVA design. The results supported the hypotheses and showed a significant difference between pre-test and post test levels of self-efficacy and stress (F[1,57] = 39.379, p< .001, partial ŋ2 = .383). The study concluded that parenting programmes are effective in increasing self-efficacy and reducing stress, suggesting they are a useful adjunct to General Practice.