Can transformational leadership through the lens of job demand- resource theory positively impact employee engagement in a large organisation within the FMCG Industry?


Barry, Amy

Issue Date



MSc in in Human Resource Management


Dublin Business School


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This purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership when views through the lens of Job- Demands Resources Theory and employee engagement withinthe Irish Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry. "Transformational leadership was selected specifically in the context of the Irish FMCG industry and the relationship and influence that leaders utilizing this approach have, to ensure that employees within these organizations are deeply engaged in their roles and committed to the company's vision."Through a combination of qualitative interviews with leaders and followers from two distinct organizations, and an extensive review of existing literature, the study reveals the nuances of how transformational leadership, when viewed through the lens of the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) theory, can influence employee engagement. The data returned was rich and fulsome with strong agreement across the stakeholders as to the positive impact of Transformational Leadership on employee engagement within the Irish FMCG Industry. A series of conclusions were drawn from the data and recommendations are suggested in Chapter 5.